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Bermaulud dan berqasidah bersama Sheikh Muhammad Adil al-Haqqani yang dipersembahkan jam 4.59 tadi. Sebenarnya saya membuka komputer riba hari ini semata-mata untuk menulis artikel yang sedang anda tatap ini. Selepas itu saya dan keluarga harus berkejar ke Banting untuk satu majlis persilatan yang berpanjangan sehingga petang Ahad esok. Tetapi gerak rasa menuntut agar dibuat artikel maulud itu terlebih dahulu walhal asalnya saya tidak mahu langsung bercerita tentangnya. Namun begitulah gerak. Baik dalam menulis mahupun mengembara malah dalam membuat keputusan untuk menghadiri suatu majlis, saya sebagai makhluk 'yang menurut perintah' sentiasa tertakluk kepada gerak itu. Yang faham faham le...

Hari Jumaat malam Sabtu 11 Oktober 2019 iatu malam semalam sekali lagi saya bergerak 40 km ke ISTAC (Institut Antarabangsa Pemikiran dan Tamadun Islam) di Kuala Lumpur untuk majlis ilmu. Melihat pada cuaca sejuk hujan renyai-renyai waktu malam ada juga rasa malas hendak keluar, lebih enak duduk bersama isteri dan anak-anak di rumah. Tetapi tuntutan gerak seperti disebut di atas tadi memerlukan saya ke situ. Menolak ke tepi rasa penat amat yang melanda sejak beberapa lama saya meninggalkan rumah selepas menunaikan solat Maghrib, sedikit wirid dan solat sunat.

Kali ini saya sampai ke persekitaran ISTAC sebelum majlis dijadualkan bermula jam 8.15. Tapi saya ke hentian Jalan Duta dahulu mencari makanan untuk mengisi perut sebelum sampai di hadapan bangunan jam 8.22.
Selepas menunai solat Isyak dan solat sunat baru masuk ke bilik persidangan jam 8.38 lalu mengambil tempat...
Oh. Ini adalah poster majlis. Pensyarah adalah Sheikhul Quliyyah ISTAC, Profesor Ulung Datuk Dr Osman Bakar. Seperti biasa di ISTAC ia disampaikan dalam bahasa Inggeris. Ia adalah syarahan ke-7 bagi siri atas nama atau tajuk yang boleh diterjemahkan sebagai "Pesan Abadi Islam dan Tamadunnya".
Untuk pengetahuan syarahan ini diadakan setiap 2 minggu pada hari Jumaat malam Sabtu. Seperti kebanyakan syarahan di ISTAC ia adalah terbuka dan percuma kepada semua. Tajuk kecil iaitu tajuk syarahan ke-7 boleh diterjemahkan sebagai "Pesanan keTuhanan dalam Buku Alam Semulajadi : Penciptaan sebagai Wahyu"...
Kali ini syarahan beliau terasa beberapa peringkat lebih mendalam dan tinggi berbanding apa yang sudah diikuti sejak masuk ke ISTAC bulan September tahun 2018. Selalunya agak mudah untuk saya mencerna kerana banyak yang diperkatakan sudah sedia berada di dalam ruang lingkup pemikiran. Dan lagi saya juga sudah melalui banyak pengalaman mistik yang berkenaan, bukan setakat membaca tentangnya.
Walaupun apa yang disyarahkan kali ini juga sebenarnya masih berada dalam ruang lingkup pemikiran kerana sudah membaca dan menghadamkan kitab-kitab berkenaan falsafah Islam dan ilmu Tasawuf sejak berumur 18 tahun iaitu 31 tahun yang lampau tetapi banyak juga yang sudah terlupa. Kali ini terasa proses pencernaan ilmu begitu diuji. Mungkin faktor penat amat sejak beberapa waktu kebelakangan mempengaruhi sehingga apabila cuba mencatat terus ke dalam komputer boleh terlupa... eh... apa disebutnya 2 saat tadi?
Saya boleh sahaja membiarkan kebiasaan proses pencernaan berlaku secara semulajadi dengan memberikan tumpuan penuh mendengar tanpa mencatat lalu ilmu tetap masuk juga... cuma apabila cuba diingati kembali boleh keluar lain rupa. Untuk syarahan kali ini cukup dikatakan ia terasa begitu profound (tak tahu apakah ia dalam bahasa Melayu). Sehingga saya meletakkan gambar seperti di atas ke Facebook berserta kata-kata berikut : "Tonight's lecture by Prof Osman Bakar at ISTAC. Getting deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole. Welcome Alice to Wonderland."
Maksudnya kita semakin masuk ke dalam dunia pemikiran aras tinggi yang penuh dengan keajaibannya. Pemikiran tinggi berasaskan ilmu falsafah Islam ini ada sandaran ilmu Tasawuf daripada ulamak-ulamak silam terdahulu seperti Imam al-Ghazzali. Secara rata Osman mahu mengatakan bahawa alam semulajadi boleh dilihat sebagai ayat-ayat Allah SWT malah sebagai kitab yang selari dengan Al-Quran. Dengan kaedah ilmu logik atau mantiq yang betul seluruh penciptaan dapat dilihat sebagai wahyu yang terbit daripada hakikat penciptaan makhluk. Ini adalah berdasarkan Hadis Qudsi yang berbunyi :-
"Aku adalah harta yang tersembunyi. Aku cipta makhluk-makhluk supaya dapat dikenali".
Masyaallah. Memahami syarahan Osman malam semalam boleh membawa kita untuk larut dan tenggelam ke dalam Bahr al Lahut - Lautan Ketuhanan (ayat saya ini, bukan kata-kata Osman). Biar dikongsikan catatan yang ditaipkan terus ke dalam komputer...
Islam is a bookish religion. There are talks about books even before there is writing. Talk about katabah - kitab, loh mahfuz. Created Quran, eternal Quran (the Loh Mahfuz) - guided tablet -metaphysical Quran, Also called Ummul Kitab - mother of all books, Also refers to opening chapter - Surah al-Fatihah, Because it's summary of the whole Quran. There also summary - essence of the eternal Quran.
Quran also refers to People of the Book - Ahlul Kitab. Very important in Muslims judging people of other religion. Concept very universal.
Thus first question a Muslim ask to a non-Muslim - Do you follow any book?
When Muslims reached Central Asia which was basically Buddhist. Buddha considered a prophet. A term Ashabul Buddha - friends of Buddha was mentioned in a book in Arabic. Author is Rashiduddin Fadlullah considered first world historian, What the world is to Muslim civilisation
There are allusions to world beyond the Atlantic.
Islam as final religion syntesis of all religion.
History of Muslim Philosopy - 2 volumes
Suggested reading by ...
Regarding religion this still unfolding. Like what Jesus was really teaching. For example when people find out Bible was written in Aramaic they want to find out what is Aramaic
Asked about Surah al-Ikhlas why hadis said it's 1/3 or Quran. Osman answered because of the idea of unity. Thus value of reciting 3 times = 1 Quran
Tauhid is most importanat. The rest are just corollary of that...
Central idea in Islam is the Quran - prototype of all books
On book of nature why nature considered as a book? Said quite well-known in Islamic history and Muslim thought. Idea implied in Quran.
What is nature? Not equal to universe. Part of total universe/the creation. Scientist and philosophers mean that realm with minerals, plants, animals, human and also the subtle world (the jin). Beyond that is the angelic world - not part of nature
According to Islamic science every living thing has a soul including plant. Can't see soul but can see characteristics like growth. Plants grow most at night.
Souls of animals and such are part of the subtle world.
On jins there are good ones like jin Islam. There are bad ones. Jins are natural forces.
Part of reality of human belongs to nature, partly we don't. We belong to a higher world - angelic elements - not part of nature as defined. Also have divine elements...
We are part of nature but above nature.
Asked if minerals have souls that is when scientists are divided. They just keep quite. They normally started with plants as having souls.
But Ikhwan al-Safa said minerals also have soul except its very weak. For example gold. Soul more intense. Argument - minerals have lifespan. Also have intelligence but low-level.
Why God made creation - to reveal Himself. There is no domain where there's no God. So certain aspects of divinity must be there...
Talked about Jin. UKM when opened a lot of people got harassed by jin. Asked Harun Din, sent busloads to Genting.
Quran's argument why nature is book - Quran refers to natural phenomena as ayatullah which means signs of God. It points to something beyond itself.
Ayat also means verses which means contents of a book. Contents of Quran also referred as ayat.
So contents of nature also refers to book of nature. That's what Muslim theologians say. Later adopted by Western scholars for example Galileo, Roger Bacon (much earlier 13th century, from Oxford studied in Muslim Spain influenced by Avicenna - Ibnu Sina. Set up Ibnu Sina fan club in Europe)
To say nature is ayatullah implies nature is revealed,. Hence creation as revelation
Talk about God made creation to be known
Talk about Conficius ratifying names
Ibnul Arabi talk about divine names
Human being can't give names outside the divine names.
Names are extension of the divine names.
Adam know divine names. If it is name of created things, Osman said all names derived from divine names, Adam was taught about his theomorphic nature.
(Yusof Ali?) intrepreted Adam was taught the nature of all things
God has nature - divine nature - manifested in the cosmos
Said al-Ghazzali talked about Asmaul Husna more than 99. But why 99? Because there are certain qualities demand more attention to us. Al-Awwal, Al Akhir Az-Zahir, Al-Bathin more popular to philosophers. Asmaul Husna are that which features prominently in our life.
Name and the attributes (sifat)
There are profound relation between divine names and human qualities.
But there are those not with divine counterparts because it comes from the animal nature of man.
Each divine name has its signature. For example al-Qadir, the powerful in nature. Many Muslim theologians refer to the book of nature as counterpart of Quran.
During Adam's time no need for revealed book. Adam was given knowledge to read the book of nature. Said people separated from civilisation could read book of nature better, the stars, direction of wind and such.
Kita ni yang modern people yan malas. We just want to use nature. Western wants to conquer nature. Very hostiles towards nature.
Ancient people know about forces of nature better than us.
Orang dulu sebut kita boleh baca.
Essentials in book of natue is how to read names. On unity...
Albert Einstein believed in idea in unity led some people to believe he subscribed to a cosmic religion
Nature displays diversity - bio-diversity - underlying principle is unity. Said all pre-modern society believe in unity
Message of balance - law and order - World of nature presents moral message - pedagogical instruments - God is the teacher.
God uses various natural phenomenas - allegories to teach spiritual realities - through similitudes - perumpamaan - very good teaching mood, model. Quran use it to teach spiritual proof
Conficius very good at that. Using allegories, similitudes,
Dulu have our book of ethics - Kitab Kiliran Budi - traditional Malay book of ethics - seperti enau dalam belukar melepaskan pucuk masing-masing - critic of individualism
Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh juga
Malays also others very observant of phenomenons of nature.
Prof Firdaus mentioned Alam Terkembang Menjadi Guru
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