Ahad, Mei 11, 2008

Harapan baru untuk motosikal besar kesayanganku!

Alhamdulillah, sukacita dimaklumkan... Petang tadi motosikal besar saya yang sudah 4 tahun terbengkalai buruk di Kampung Janda Baik, Bentong, Pahang sudah selamat dibawa ke bengkel motosikal besar milik orang Melayu di Rawang. Wang RM2,000 yang pernah diberikan kepada rakan pomen sambilan di Janda Baik untuk mula memperbaiki motosikal itu beberapa bulan lalu tetapi telah digunakannya untuk tujuan lain juga telah dipulangkan sepenuhnya!

Walaupun kos membaiki motosikal yang dahulu dianggarkan sekitar RM3,000 berdasarkan gambar yang ditunjukkan pada tuan punya bengkel di Rawang 2 minggu lalu mungkin meningkat lebih RM5,000 apabila kerosakan sebenar motosikal dilihat lebih dekat, sekurang-kurangnya kebarangkalian untuk ia kembali pulih dan bergerak semula kini sangatlah tinggi. Usaha membaik-pulih mungkin memakan masa lebih satu setengah bulan tetapi ini jauh lebih baik daripada melihat ia terus terlantar di Janda Baik di mana banyak barangan motosikal termasuk skru dan aksesori sudah hilang dicuri pihak yang tidak bertangguingjawab.

Di sini ingin saya merakamkan ucapan terimakasih kepada rakan-rakan terutama Anggun, Syahir dan Dong yang menolong atau memberikan sumbangan tanpa dipinta. Kalau tidak, mungkin saya sudah putus asa untuk memperbaiki motosikal yang begitu berjasa ini, pernah membawa saya menyusuri hampir semua jalan utama di Semenanjung Malaysia, juga membawa pergi ke banyak makam-makam lama yang dapat menolong saya membuka sejarah Melayu Islam yang tersembunyi. Wassalam! :]

6 ulasan:

  1. Wahh!!!
    Banyak duit ko skarang RED!!!
    Buku banyak laku la tu...

    Sesaje menyakat...

  2. Peh... Banyak apa? Kalau banyak, dah lama woo aku repair motosikal aku tu... Ni kena tunggu 2 tahun daripada start keluar first book baru aku berani hantar repair. Tu pun sangkut beberapa bulan tak jugak repair repair sebab percaya kat kawan yang dulu janji boleh settlekan, duit pun dah bagi awal-awal... Sekarang kos dah naik plak dengan barang banyak hilang, la ni baru le hantar kat bengkel yang betul2 boleh buat keje...
    Apa nak buat? Dulu banyak orang nak beli moto tu aku tak bagi sebab sayang sangat... Sentimental value kuat woo! Boleh kata hampir semua jalan-jalan utama kat Semenanjung ni motor tu dah lalu. Aku harap lepas ni dapat le round lagi layan pusing-pusing cam dulu-dulu...
    Hmm... Mungkin tak macam dulu le sebab aku dah makin tua. Orang pompuan aku pun bukan suka sangat aku selalu merayap...
    Merayap tetap merayap tapi slow down le... Layaaaannn!!! :]

  3. pergh.. lepas ni boleh pusing satu dunia ni. heheheh..

  4. By looking at the photos, not many things were stolen or disappeared.

    For this 535, losing those silly chrome 'eggs' on the side of the fake fuel tank will bring you headaches, as they are tough to replace, i.e. susah mau cari brand new...

    Otherwise, the bike looks ok.

    Don't forget to fix the dented (fake) tank too...

  5. Hmm... Thank God, as you said, it could be worse.
    Anyway among the obvious things stolen were the left and right mirrors. Then there's the brakes and clutch handle which I'm told cost RM700+ for an original set.
    On the last inspection, the screws for the... Ah I forgot the name, those things at the side, ah, I think for the carburator covers were also missing. But I didn't check if the carburators are still around as I don't want more headaches.
    Believe me, it's a headache for everyone including the mechanics when the see the actual condition of the bike first-hand! You should see the engine oil spilling from the sides when we hoisted it up the lorry. And I know for sure the gaskets were leaking. That needs some major work opening up the engines and getting a new set.
    The tyres are also both out after being in inaction for 4 years... The front is already out of thread, the back is actually only 3 months old when the bike broke down and went into inaction but everyone says it is no good now, that it is practically "dead" after such a long period being idle...
    As for the dented tank, I'm surprised you noticed it. For I was looking for the dent when we got the bike to the the workshop but funny, I couldn't find it! It was ages ago when I punched the tank myself after losing my temper over something I've forgotten what its all about...

  6. I know the tank is dented not by looking at the photo.

    Yep, I know you punched it, with your right, ungloved fist, I think. You told me that a few years ago. It was something like being frustrated for not able to find what you were trying to locate and you stopped by the roadside and bamm...

    Do you still have the leather jacket?

    I used to have the same exact design and brand. Entah mana la aku letak...

    Anyway, I'm glad you still have WFS7--2. I thought you've sold it.

    I wish to see it rolling proudly on the roads again.

    As for graves and headstones, I only like to check out the Jewish cemetary (I always feel I spelt it wrongly) in Penang...
