Jumaat, Mei 09, 2008

Reunion bilik 51C "A"Level Batch 7 (tahun 1988)...

Semalam, buat pertama kali setelah 20 tahun, ahli bilik 51C zaman kolej saya membuat reunion. Sayangnya kamera digital murah saya tidak dapat menangkap elok gambar waktu malam... Ini pula gambar yang dapat ditangkap menggunakan handphone saya... Cukuplah 3 keping... Harap kawan-kawan lain yang ada membawa kamera-kamera lebih canggih nanti dapat meng e-mail gambar-gambar yang lebih elok supaya dapat dikongsi semua terutama yang tidak dapat hadir kerana berjauhan seperti Raja Nurshirwan @ King di New York dan Farid @ Chicken di Vietnam...

8 ulasan:

  1. Hei dahlink!! Are those Azmil Merican, Fique and Paqua?
    Mised those chums!!!

  2. Yep... Originally 15-16 of us confirmed to come for the reunion. Just King @ Raja Nurshirwan couldn't make it as he is based in New York. This year so far he had taken leave twice to balik kampung jadi dah takda kuota le agaknya kot... Farid @ Chicken plak got some work in Vietnam for the day so had to miss out.
    The date last night was chosen to accomodate our friend John Toilet (hehe! marah panggil Toilet padahal kat JB dia ni hotshot lawyer, kira selalu gak deal ngan Gani Othman n d gang, hehe!) who happens to be in KL on the 7th and 8th May.As almost all the rest are based in Klang Valley so why not accomodate him...
    Anyway the attendance included
    1) Fique
    2) Azmil Merican @ Tonga
    3) Nasri @ Nash
    4) John Toilet (keep forgetting the real name, hehe!)
    5) Adik (cheh... Baru aku tahu dia buat men's apparel for Munawarah with his former darling who handles the muslimah part, hehe! Haji wooo, muka dah macam mat dek dah...)
    6) Atuk @ Shamsul (for the record Kak Aina Emir just called me today... And she mentioned your name and Fique as being close to her family... Patut le hang tanya if aku will go ahead do something for Karnadya!)
    7) Amirul (hmm... Really bro, I'm quite surprised at your current shape... Come on man, you're ex-RMC... Budak askar woo... Get in shape le wooiii, for your own good you know)
    8) Apek (what are you doing in Accenture anyway?)
    9) Nik Rashes (waa... vice-pres aa... Hardworking banker le tu. Gud for you)
    and 10) me of course...
    It happened that I brought 3 sets of my trilogy of books. That makes 9 books to be given to each present, alhamdulillah... Macam tau-tau aje...

    Those who earlier said they would come but couldn't make it...
    11) Mangor... (man... What happened?)
    12) Salleh
    13) Zaint
    14) Mutt
    15) Jim Bates (hehe... Padan muka engkau tak datang, habis semua budak kutuk engkau pasal jimbit, sapa suruh tak datang, kan tak boleh jawab dah? Hehe!)...

    Sapa lagi aku miss apart from King and Chicken yang memang couldn't make it from the start...

    Mutt n Zaint couldn't make it is not much surprise as dulu pun diaroang lagi banyak hangout dengan budak bilik lain especially geng Auk...
    Now that you mention it, I'm starting to wonder, was Paqua in 51C? Come to think of it, he might although he, Zaint and Mutt moved out a few months later to be closer to geng ex MCCK and Alam Shah.
    That's all my report... Chip in guys. Perhaps in the future we'll have some sort of picnic outing in Janda Baik? Perhaps we'll get as much as possible Batch 7 people to come along? I can ask Syed Hussein Al-Attas to use his place in Janda Baik, Insyaallah!
    And for those interested in mystery and ghost-hunting, maybe we can fix something... Uncle of the Seekers fame, son of Syed Hussein is staying there. He got all his stuff along too.
    For plain adventure, I'll show you some neat places in Janda Baik. Over to u guys! :]

  3. Was Paqua in 51C? Jeez, I cannot remember la.

    Reunion Pictures... alas, Atuk lost all his pictures shot in his "manly" professional camera and we now have to supplicate Nash for the pics taken in his small camera... Ahh, how the mighty have fallen...

    BTW, John's real name is John DeToillete Great Tong. I have no qualm making fun of him on the net because he doesn't know how to use the internet, so wouldn't be able to respond hehehe... It's machismo thing for these litigation lawyers, you know.

    Have you noticed how hot it is getting? Janda is a good idea. Especially for Dudas. For married Jimbetians it might be a little tricky la, beb.

  4. Was Paqua in 51C? Thot he was there just to woo Notts...with that Chicago song..?

    Janda for Dudas ok la. For married people, susah skit la, bros. Nak dapat TOL (temporary outing licence) skg nih a tad difficult. You know, at this age where life begins (supposedly..).

    Oh, and Puti, you're expecting another one? Si Azman tak bagi hang rileks ke...?

  5. woo hoo...thanks for the report and pix, sorry about losing my pictures...

    say hi to auntie Aina when you see or talk to her....I am friends with her son so its auntie for me he he.. boleh rasa muda skit

  6. Hei Fique!!! I am supposed to be contacting you via facebook tapi malas la nak log in.... byk sampah sarap dalam tu.... Nama John Toilet tu bukan ke Mohd Faizal bin Ahmad? Celaka korang ek?
    Errr... Paqua had hots for Notts? Bukan ke Mutt yang had hots for Notts? Whatevaaa....
    And saper yang tanya pasal me expecting tu? Cheh, lama dah rehat... first and second one dulu 7 years gap la....
    Hei... we must get together soon la dudes and duddettes!!!

  7. Hehe Atuk... So you know the family then... Auntie Aina? When I called her Puan Aina, she insists I call her Kak Aina... Is that supposed to make her younger or is it supposed to make me feel older? Hehe...
    Jeez... Put knows John's real name? Malu pulak aku sebab asyik lupa... Then again John Toilet rocks the boat more than Faizal would wouldn't it... Cheers to you guys anyway... Perhaps an A Level Batch 7 free for all meet will be coming soon enough! :]
